Home » 5 of the Most Common Weeds Found in Boise, ID
There are many weeds in Boise, ID that you need to watch out for, like dandelion, clover, crabgrass, nutsedge, and bentgrass. If left unchecked, these invasive weeds can quickly take over your lawn. If you notice any of these weeds on your lawn you’ll want to schedule weed control treatments to eliminate them.
Learn more about these five common weeds found in Boise, ID, and what you can do to keep your lawn free of them.
One of the weeds you might find on your property in Boise, ID is dandelion. This weed is known for its bright yellow flowers that emerge from a slender, leafless stalk that can reach up to 12 inches tall. These weeds usually start to emerge in the spring.
Dandelions have a deep taproot. Hand-pulling is not an option unless you want to see more of these weeds on your property. To make things worse, one dandelion plant can produce hundreds of thousands of seeds that can remain viable in the soil for several years.
The best way to control dandelions is to apply herbicides, but the timing needs to be correct to get effective results.
As a kid, finding clovers on your lawn meant finding good luck. The truth is, clover is never good for your grass as it will compete with your grass for space and nutrients. This weed usually blooms in the early spring and can continue to emerge until the late fall. It also loves moist soil with low nitrogen, so you need to ensure your grass is fed with fertilizers that provide nitrogen!
Applying pre-emergent weed control can help your lawn become weed-free since it will prevent clovers from emerging. If you’re already seeing them on your lawn, post-emergent treatments are effective at eradicating them.
This annual weed is called crabgrass because it grows close to the ground and resembles crab legs. If you see this weed on your turf, you probably have moist, clay soil, something crabgrass loves.
This weed propagates through seeds produced from summer to early fall. The key to preventing this weed from taking over your turf is to stop the thousands of seeds that it can produce from germinating, which is where pre-emergent weed control treatments can help.
Timing is crucial when applying weed control treatments. It’s always best to let lawn care professionals handle weeds because they know exactly when to apply treatments.
Nutsedge is an aggressive weed that can infest your lawn as early as spring. This weed can thrive in both moist and dry soils. Nutsedge is known to spread quickly and is hard to control since it can spread through rhizomes, tubers, and seeds.
To keep nutsedge off your turf, you need to utilize both pre- and post-emergent herbicides. Pre-emergent herbicides prevent nutsedge from sprouting, while post-emergent treatments will target any weeds that are currently on your lawn.
Bentgrass is a perennial weed with bright green leaves that can form dense mats. Bentgrass has a bushy appearance that can bring down the curb appeal of your lawn.
Herbicides are the most effective method to control bentgrass. It’s also best to adapt a well-rounded lawn care regimen that will strengthen your lawn to help it outcompete weeds like bentgrass.
Our team at Zing Services offers top-quality weed control treatments to homes and businesses in the Treasure Valley, Middleton, Star, ID, and nearby areas in the Treasure Valley. With 7 applications throughout the year, our team can help you keep your lawn weed-free.
Call us today at 208-585-9400 to schedule our weed control services.