Weed Control – How To Get Ahead and Stay Ahead

Many local weeds are annuals which means that they grow from seed each year. Having a regular maintenance program will significantly reduce their impact on your property and will save you time.

Here are 5 ways to win the war against weeds:

1. Lawn Pre-Emergents Are Key

Investing in preventative weed control in early spring will help make your yard work go from a big job to something more manageable and even enjoyable. The application of an early spring pre-emergent is one of the biggest time and back savers we know of to help combat weeds. While pre-emergents are not a 100% guarantee that you won’t have any weeds, they are very effective at significantly reducing them.

Just as the name suggests, pre-emergent herbicides are applied before weeds emerge and work by preventing germination. Most weed seeds lay dormant over the winter and begin to germinate when soil temperatures start to increase. Applying pre-emergents now will help your lawn and shrub beds win the war against weeds this season.

2. A Healthy Lawn Keeps Weeds at Bay

Grass and weeds compete for resources and space in a lawn. Lawns that have been weakened by plant disease, insects, or neglect are likely to see weeds established. Providing nutrients and protection for your lawn, shrub beds, and gravel driveways will deter weed infestations. Having regular fertilizing and weed control treatments, and a regular aeration service will contribute to a healthy lawn that can fight off weeds.

Here is a great article from Colorado State University on good lawn care practices.

Applying lawn care treatments to a home in Middleton, ID.

3. Proper & Consistent Lawn Maintenance Will Protect It

Weeds often invade a weakened lawn. Lawns that are under or over watered, improperly fertilized, improperly mowed, or highly compacted will see an increase of weeds. Adjust your watering times as the temperature changes throughout the season. A good rule of thumb is to water less frequently, but more deeply. Mow regularly and keep a taller lawn height to help it retain moisture better.

Regular lawn aerations are one of the best-kept secrets to a healthy lawn. They help allow water, nutrients and oxygen to reach the root zone which strengthens your lawn’s overall health. Being consistent with your lawn care will save you time and money in the long run. A neglected landscape can take a hit on your bank account.

Lawn aeration services in Eagle, ID.

4. Herbicides Applied Regularly Significantly Reduce Weeds

Most busy homeowners find it hard to stay on top of a regular maintenance routine. Professional lawn care services show up on a regular basis and stay on top of weeds so they don’t get out of hand.

Check out Zing’s season-long lawn care program which includes regular fertilizer and weed control treatments. Our routine weed control treatments protect your lawn from neighboring weeds and strengthen the overall health of your lawn. We offer a shrub bed weed control program as well.

5. Maintain Your Shrub Beds To Boost Curb Appeal

If you plan to sell your home at some point or just want to get your landscape looking its best, a well-kept yard will boost your home’s curb appeal.

The landscape is the first thing that people notice when they visit your home. Having a well-cared for landscape also increases the value and appearance of your neighborhood as well. Keep your beds tidy, and it will go a long ways! You can easily do this with a professional weed control program.